M.C. Bobby Jimmy (minus The Critters this time, apparently) dropped this right between Roaches: the Beginning (an odd title for his second album; but I guess you have to expect oddness from a rap group called Bobby Jimmy & The Critters) and Back and Proud in 1987; and it's actually one of his most fun parody records.
Producer DJ Pooh hooks up a beat that's just a slightly lower-key duplicate of the Audio Two's classic original, and adds some fresh Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy sample scratches for a little extra freshness. There's even a special thanks printed on the label to "Daddy O" of Stetsasonic (I dunno why he felt compelled to put it in quotes) for letting him pervert his classic "Go Brooklyn" chorus.
If you haven't guessed which song he's parodying yet, just peep these lyrics:
"I had money;
Money I had,
Kids I don't know
Just callin' me Dad.
Kids I don't know
Just callin' me Dad.
That's how it be;
Ask Ice-T.
Ask Ice-T.
I was havin' babies while I was in prison,
For non-child support;
For non-child support;
Had no job,
It's not my fault.
Pooh's got childen,
I've got childen;
What more can I say?
Lots of childen!"
I've got childen;
What more can I say?
Lots of childen!"
This is one of the Jimmy's best records in terms of just timelessly cracking me up and getting my head nodding at the same time. Why this never wound up on one of his albums, I don't know. But it's definitely worth tracking down the 12". You can even just rock the instrumental on a mix-tape or whatever, and have everyone bugging out, "what the heck is that 'Go Jimmy; go Jimmy?'" ;)
Sticking with my trend, here's his current myspace page. Russ Parr (that's his real name) isn't recording as Bobby Jimmy anymore, but he's still hosting his radio show, as well as promoting a film and television project, which you can check out on his website: uptoparr.com.